
SMART Talk – Chart Talk Embedded Speech


Chart Talk Embedded Speech

Chart Talk speech is HIPAA secure

Chart Talk embedded speech, SMART Talk, was released as part of our SMART suite of tools. Chart Talk speech recognition is avaiable on any computer, tablet, phone, or web enabled device. Chart Talk speech is included in our monthly pricing for any licensed provider. Chart Talk speech recognition is meant to give our users a HIPAA compliant option to replave Siri, Android speech, or other dictation services that are not governed by a HIPAA compliant business associate agreement.

As the electronic record that puts the providers words first, we want to provide a secure cloud based option for our users. It is not in our clients best interest to have Google, Apple, or another big data company catalog their sensitive patient data. Chart Talk speech recognition is done on private Chart Talk servers which are covered by our business associate agreements.
SMART Talk Microphone Listening

SMART Talk is Chart Talk's embedded, HIPAA compliant, cloud speech recognition software.

What is SMART Talk?

SMART Talk will transcribe dictation as you speak it. There is no voice training necessary. The vocabulary is extensive and very accurate. When you pause in your speech SMART Talk will add punctuation. SMART Talk transcribes as you speak, any corrections to your transcribed dictation are done manually after your transcription is complete. SMART Talk is available on any device, at any time.