Chart Talk Chiropractic Software sing 1999

Free Webinar Series in March and April

In celebration of our 20th year bringing speech recognition to chiropractors to help them tell the story of the patient encounter, we are producing this series of webinars free for all providers, assistantns, instructors, students, and anyone else interested in chiropractic clinical documentation. We will have demonstrations, dicsussions, and interviews around the topic of getting away from canned documentationa and creating comprehensive, compliant, and quick encounter specific documentation.

Topics Will Include

How do I remember it all? – As a provider you should be aware of what is required by an auditor when they are looking at your encounter documentation. In this webinar we will explore a providers growth from using ‘training wheels’ to assist with remembering what to dictate, to grabbing a microphone and dictating an comprehensive subsequent encounter note in less than 30 seconds.

The Case of a Million Macros – In the beginning, a user can get so hung up on making a thousand templates for every scenario that they image they might encounter that they forget the power of speech recognition – Just say what you want to say, you’ll never find a short cut or checkbox that is more succinct, accurate, or stands up better than your own words. We will walk through this webinar and break down the strategy of creating macros vs. dictating your findings and how to find the happy medium while getting your documentation done.

One-on-One with Dr. Tony Hamm – Dr. Hamm has been a past president of the ACA, was a contributor to the ACA’s manual Clinical Documentation for Chiropractors, and has been an advocate and user of speech recognition software since very early on. In this webinar we will have a discussion with Dr. Hamm about using speech recognition software for documentation, what advantages he has found vs. generated notes, and what advice he can offer users that are considering moving to dictating their documentation moving from a checkbox generated system.

Automated Processes and Encounter Specific Documentation – We’ll look at combining the use of appointment reminders, patient portal and check-in features with the providers workflow to get information where we need it at the point of care AND the point of documentation.

Insights with a Documentation Reviewer – Dr. Dan Wautlet has provided peer review consultant services in the health insurance industry since 2003. He routinely performs reviews of documentation to determine medical necessity. In this Q & A format webinar we will talk with Dr. Wautlet about what he looks for  when reviewing documentation to support medical necessity and how he has been using speech recognition in his chiropractic practice since 2011.